Purchase and sales of classic Cars
Our specialty is the buying and selling of collector cars, with a focus on models from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. We ensure that everything on offer is in mint condition. Because we are always on the lookout for interesting cars to add to our collection – in particular English makes – we are the ideal partner for customers wishing to sell their classic cars. And we are happy to take on any necessary restoration work, if requested.
Keep your classic car in good hands
Cars on offer
The classic car business revolves around trust – and we have a history of making sure that customers and their cars get special attention. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, we cover an extensive range of classic car makes from all over the world, specialising in collector models from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
Are you looking for a very special classic car to drive or add to your collection? Take advantage of our years of experience trading and restoring hard-to-find, iconic classic cars.
Coming soon
Our preview of the models that will soon be available is proof of our expertise in finding and restoring exclusive classic cars. If you are interested in selling yours, we would be happy to advise you.
Recent sales
Driving a well-maintained classic car in its original condition is sheer joy. You can rely on our expertise and support in preserving the value.
Classic car Hotel
To ensure the enjoyment of your classic car for years to come, proper storage is vital. In our classic car hotel, we make sure your vehicle is kept safe and in perfect condition – and not only in winter, but all year round. Experts from our classic car workshop regularly check on our special “guests” and keep you informed of any issues, upcoming maintenance or repair needs.
Classic car reviews
We provide you with vehicle reports based on individual model testing and comparisons. If you are fascinated by the classics, be sure to read our exciting and informative reviews.